Here are some tips to help you enjoy your first Bleep Klub experience.
Sound makers
It can get pretty busy in all frequency ranges when you take a bunch of one-man-bands and plug them all into the PA. This can be frustrating when trying to hear your own sounds. “The amount of times I’ve stopped playing, and the sound I thought was me is still playing along“ is a phenomenon all of us regulars have experienced more than a few times.
Without headphones the only way to tell what sound you are putting out is to play out of key or out of time —neither are the best solution— this becomes apparent when listening back to recordings.
A solution to this problem is to bring kit to allow you to hear the sounds you are producing before the sound gets fed into the PA. Headphones are the preferred method by regulars. If your device/system has a way to CUE sounds prior to sending from the main master that’s great, if not, many people bring a small mixer for their own devices.
If you don’t have a mixer, you can use any other device which has an input and an output.
We offer two ways to sync us all together. Midi seems to be the most popular, one of us usually has a cv clock to feed sync to any modular or cv capable devices. You will need to bring your own midi or cv leads —3 meters or longer is preferable, but we can get away with a few shorter leads if that’s all you have.
If your instruments needs tuning, then bring the necessary equipment you normally use to tune, if that’s your ears great! You’re a step ahead the rest of us. Lol.
We currently have been recording the main mix from the mixing desk we all plug into. This is the sound you’re hearing on the night through the PA, we then upload the set for all members to download or listen back too. It’s strongly recommended, you can hear all your great moments as well as all your bloopers, so it’s an invaluable tool for those looking to check their output. If you wish to capture your own sounds, then you’ll need to bring some way of doing that.
Light smiths
The visuals at Bleep Klub span the entire history of projected light from oil wheels to 4k projections. Thanks to the installation of white sound panels in the venue there are two walls and a ceiling which work well as projection surfaces.
There is a huge variety in the systems people bring to Bleep Klub, these have included:
- Resolume
- Projection mapping
- LZX Eurorack
- Analog Glitch Hardware
- Video Feedback (Camera and internal)
- Standalone Video Synths
- Lasers
- Oil Wheels
- Short Films
Just like the audio side of things it’s possible to sync things via midi or CV, in addition people often have video mixers that allow multiple outputs so we can share and mix our video signal with each other.
If you want to take part then bring along your kit, say hello, find a clear spot on the walls or ceiling and project to your heart’s delight.
All Hallows Hall is a big hall, and heating is at a premium in the cold months so make sure you wrap up. Fortunately, there’s kettle and some drink making facilities, and you’re more than welcome to bring your own refreshments.